Wellbeing Walks
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'We are a social enterprise with a mission to get people walking more and further on A-to-B journeys. We make digital and printed maps and work with organisations to promote walking as the safest, ...
'The Footways network has been designed to connect major places with appealing and accessible streets. The places include mainline train stations, popular destinations and green spaces. It prompts Londoners and visitors to choose walking as the most enjoyable, efficient and healthy option.'
'Get Wiltshire Walking 'A Public Health funded project which aims to ensure every community within the county has access to a FREE weekly led walk ... Each walk has its regular starti ...
'Your walking app for everyday outdoor adventures. Discover nature-filled walking routes. Enjoy fun new walking challenges and more ... Our mission is to help you get out and about, everyday. Download our free walking app and enjoy a pocket-sized encyclopedia of urban walks.'
The UK Charity for Everyday Walking 'We want a nation where walking is the natural choice for everyday local journeys. Our mission is to achieve a better walking environment and inspire people to walk more. Progress starts here: one street, one school, one step at a time.'
'During the Spring and Summer, Northumberland National Park and Active Northumberland are working with Healthy Walks leaders to design walks suitable for people wanting an easy in ...
'Paths for All was set up to promote paths for everyday use close to where people live, work and play and encourage everyone to walk, ride and cycle around their local community. Our visio ...
'We are a partnership of organisations committed to promoting walking for health and the development of multi-use path networks in Scotland.'
'Since 2005 Local Authorities and National Park Authorities (Access Authorities) have been busy preparing Core Paths Plans (CPP). Under the Land Reform (Scotland) Act 2003 every Access Authority has a duty to prepare a CPP. Some plans have been completed whilst others are still going through the planning process. If you would like to know more about the process of making a plan have a look at Core Paths Plans: A Guide to Good Practice.'
'It’s almost impossible not to feel good when we’re walking outdoors – it’s a natural mood-booster! And the great news is we don’t need to walk far or fast to feel its effects on our health and wellbeing. Simply getting out is a tonic for our minds and bodies, and it can be sociable too. Almost all of us can manage a stroll, and Ramblers Wellbeing Walks make it easier to start walking and stay active. And you’ll certainly never be short of good company.'
Covers England. There have been similar initiatives for Scotland and Northern Ireland.
'Located across Tees Valley and have friendly experts that can help you start walking and cycling more every day.'
'A Walking In Your Community Group is a group of people from a local area who are keen to come together to do some physical exercise in the outdoors. It could be an existing group/associat ...
'An initiative to encourage people throughout Northern Ireland to get walking in their local area. The initiative offers introductory walk leader training and other support to deliver a successful walking programme for local communities.'
WalkNI.com Featured
Website produced by Outscape: 'A not-for-profit organisation working across the island of Ireland ... Since our establishment in 1999 we’ve been passionate about shaping the outdoors to im ...
'Your Definitive Guide to Walking in Northern Ireland': Walks; Top Walking Destinations; Festivals; Accommodation; Clubs & Groups; and so on ...
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