Hatfield House and Park
'Hatfield House is the centre of a large agricultural estate with an extensive parkland. There are three walks of varying lengths marked in the Park: [1] The Blue Walk (2 miles / 3.2 kilometres / 50 minutes) - - - : [2] The Red Walk (3.2 miles / 5.2 kilometres / 90 minutes) - - - : [3] The Green Walk (1.1 mile / 1.8 kilometres / 30 minutes).'
Woodland Garden 'Well worthwhile is a walk down through the mature beech and oak trees. Bluebells, wild flowers and narcissi cover the ground in the spring, and there is a growing collection of magnolias, camellias, prunus, sorbus and malus alongside the paths. Nineteenth century rhododendrons still survive, and there are many late-flowering shrubs like Styrax, Eucryphia Hoheria and Halesia as well as a magnificent hydrangea walk where many varieties of Hydrangea Paniculata line the grass paths to the fledgling Yew House.'
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