Hertfordshire Chain Walk
'The Hertfordshire Chain Walk is an 86-mile walk that crosses the county of Hertfordshire from south to north, starting on the northern edge of London and finishing in Cambridgeshire. Unlike the other long distance paths that I've walked, which either follow a straightforward linear route from A to B or else form a large "circle", this path consists of 15 circular walks of between 4 and 9 miles in length that are linked together to form a "chain" – hence the name Chain Walk. In fact there is a quarter mile gap between Walk 7 and Walk 8, so the Hertfordshire Chain Walk is also unusual in that it is a long distance footpath with a hole in the middle!'
Hertfordshire Chain Walk [Tim Bertuchi]
The Walk was devised by the East Herts Footpath Society who published a Guide to the Walk in 1994.
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