Minigaig Pass
'Was built towards the end of the 16th century and replaced an earlier route called Comyn's Road, constructed by David Comyn, Lord of Badenoch. Although there are few precise facts about when the latter was laid, the route was certainly in use during the 16th century. The story goes that Comyn created his link between Blair Atholl and Kingussie to transport a particularly fine ale from an inn near the Perthshire village to his Badenoch home ...'
'The Minigaig is the only road to the north shown on Greene's map of 1689 and Moll's map of 1725. It was superseded by the military road over the Drumochter Pass constructed by Wade in 1728-30, although after that date the Minigaig still appeared on maps as a "summer road to Ruthven". The Minigaig is marked, without a name, on Willdey's map of c.1745. It was first signposted by the Scottish Rights of Way and Access Society in July 1885, when it was admitted by the Duke of Atholl to be a public path.'
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