'There are a range of geotrails and picnic areas and thought provoking, informative displays and tactile exhibits which encourage adults and children alike learn about the wonder of the world around them. '
'Anglesey (Môn) is the largest of the Welsh islands, situated in the north west corner of Wales. This internationally recognised Geopark covers some 720 square kilometres and has 201 kilometres of coastline. The Geopark territory points to a spectacular geological heritage. Geological sites (Geosites) have been selected for scientific quality, rarity, aesthetic appeal and educational value. Their interest may also be archaeological, ecological, historical, or cultural ...
'By taking a tour along the coastline, which is nationally recognised as an area of outstanding beauty, using the prestigous coastal path allows access to 90% of Anglesey's geological highlights. Most of the coast is accessible to all, be it the seasoned walker rambling the entire 125 miles or the casual visitor dipping into one or more of the scenically beautiful "honeypot" sites along its length.'
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